Air Pollution Control

SuperPro Designer as well as EnviroPro Designer include a variety of unit operations models for evaluating treatment and purification of air and gaseous streams in general. The list includes unit operations (e.g., Cyclone, Bag-house Filter, Electrostatic Precipitator) for removing particulate material as well as units (e.g., Condenser, Scrubber, etc.) for removing vapors of organic and other compounds.

EnviroPro and SuperPro calculate emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from batch chemical manufacturing operations (e.g., Charge, Heat, Inert/Purge, Gas Sweep, Vaporize/Distill, Dry) as well as secondary processes, such as wastewater treatment. Consequently, they can be used to design and evaluate in a cost effective way pollution control technologies that meet regulatory standards. They also can be used to evaluate waste minimization options through in-process recycling and reuse.


The figure is the flowsheet of a simple air pollution control example that comes with EnviroPro and SuperPro Designer. The feed stream is air contaminated with dust and acetone vapor. An air cyclone (CY-101) is used to remove most of the dust. The remaining is removed using a bag-house filter (BHF-101). The acetone is removed using a scrubber (C-101). The composition of the various streams is shown in tabular format on the bottom of the flowsheet.